Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Februry 9, 2025
My parents’ garage is full of old junk that no longer serves
any purpose in my life. As a 46-year-old man, I admit that’s
pretty lame. Either due to my sentimentality or laziness (or
both, probably), I just couldn’t get myself to throw things
away. But a few days ago, by a grace of God, I thought: “I’ll
hire my nephew Ryan to throw a bunch of my stuff away —
he couldn’t care less about my junk!” And you know what? It
worked. In one day, Ryan chucked the majority of his uncle’s
useless stuff. I feel so free, ready for a new junk-free chapter
in my life.
This kind of thing happens in this Sunday’s Gospel. Peter’s
net is full of useless junk. Luke says he and the others
are cleaning their nets after catching no fish. Imagine them
dejectedly and impatiently removing a nasty assortment of
seaweed, sticks and muck. The Lord teaches and calls them
once their nets are cleared out. So it goes with us. Spiritual
life begins by removing that which is useless and merely taking
up space in our hearts, minds and lives. Then Jesus
teaches and acts in a marvelous way in our lives, too.
So what’s junking up your net? What habits, attachments,
possessions, preoccupations? If, like me, you struggle to clean
your nets by yourself, ask the Lord to send you someone like
my nephew to be your “Peter” and help you clean it out. It is
well worth it. Once Peter’s net is clean, he is free to make a
wonderful catch.
- Father John Muir
“Find the courage to proclaim Christ, and the
unchanging truths which have their foundation
in Him. These are the truths that set us free!
They are the truths which alone can guarantee
respect for the inalienable dignity and rights of
each man, woman and child in our world - including the most
defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child in the
mother's womb.”
-Pope Benedict XVI
Our readings today remind us of the great privilege we have in
calling ourselves children and disciples of the Most High God.
While we can approach Him with the confidence of a child before
his father, we must also remember the deep reverence and
awe that we owe to Him. When we truly embrace a stewardship
way of life, putting our talents, time and treasure at the
service of the Most High God, we will be astonished at what
God will do. Our lives may take a direction beyond our wildest
imaginings. But just as Jesus reassured Simon in our Gospel
today, “Be not afraid,” He reassures us too. We need not fear a
stewardship way of life. Rather, we should embrace the adventure
it presents us and prepare to be astonished by what our
awesome God will do. “Here I am Lord, send me!”
- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
A Family Perspective
Today’s gospel challenges us to be a “light” to our family. Parents
shine their guiding light, not in front but behind them, inviting
their children to follow their “good deeds.”
- Bud Ozar
Prayer Requests
Kathy Ansman, Mark
Blackie, Rod Baronner, Dan Bauer, Dave Bauer,
Damian Branas, Vince Bumann, Jack Chilcote, Harry
Chirdon, Karen Claar, Brandon Conaway, Shirley
Conlon, Denise Conrad, James Conrad, Kathy Corl, William
Costlow, Bob Decker, Colette DiMemmo, Margaret Dodson,
Tim Dodson, Joan Donnelly, Matthew Dorman, Nate Dorman,
Amelia Doughurty, Lois Duncan, Thomas Duncan, Sam Dunio,
Paul Dunmire, Ashley Eagen, Corinda Ermin, Herman Frederick,
Pat Harpster, Leighton Hess, Dolly Holzer, Lucy Horton,
Raymond Kargo, Carol Keagy, Kenny Anthony Keagy, Russell
Keith John Kleine, Sue Koehle, Ruth Lamca, Cyndi Lansberry,
John Leshene, Beth Lloyd, Charles McGrain, Shirley McIntyre,
Mason Wayne McManus, Paul Angelo Morelli, Bev Mueller,
Bonnie Neal, Jessica Neff, Lee Neff, Kevin O'Rourke, Mark
Pacifico, Sarah Rihnovich, Gary Rupert Jr, Nancy Servello,
Laura Snyder, Alex Walter, Margo Wascherl, Alan Watson,
Joan Weston, Hank Williams, Renee Williams, Mikayla Yanchik.
If you would like to add a sick or hospitalized person to our prayer list or
readd a person, please call the rectory office, at 943-8553. Parishioners of
Saint Mary are encouraged and welcome to participate. Remember, you must have
the permission of the ill person/family to publish their name.
Sacred Heart Parish | 511 20th Street | Altoona, PA 16602 | (814) 943-8553
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