Sacred Heart Church

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 19, 2025


A friend invited me to an invitation-only wine-tasting event. There were over two hundred varieties of wine. Having no idea how to approach such a massive selection, I wandered aimlessly among the tables, sipping this and that. At the end of the evening my friend asked if I had tried some of the exceptionally expensive wines. I hadn’t. “The really good stuff disappears first,” he said. “My man, you missed out on some amazing vino.” I was so disappointed. I wasted my chance for amazing once-in-a-lifetime wine. The wine I tasted was, well, blah.

Don’t we often feel a similar disappointment in life? I missed this or that opportunity. If only I had known. Optimism sputters and fades. The glory days are gone. The chances, it seems, for the really great things in life come and go so quickly. Then they are gone forever. The good stuff goes first. Then life is just blah.

Not so with the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ miracle at the wedding at Cana, the steward of the feast says, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then…an inferior one” (John 2:10). That’s the natural downward progression of life. The good stuff disappears quickly. But he says of the groom (who symbolizes Jesus), “But you have kept the good wine until now.” This is the ever-improving trajectory of the realm of God’s grace. With Jesus, the “good wine” of divine love, hope and peace gets better as our journey of faith progresses. Where are your greatest disappointments? Don’t give in to the lie that the really good stuff is gone. Tell Jesus you’ve run out. Then learn how to taste that amazingly good wine, because he saves the best until now.
- Father John Muir


“Not even one abortion per week is acceptable. Not one per month. Not one per year. Not one in our lifetime The dignity of the human person begins at the moment of conception, not at birth. The dignity, as recognized by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is bestowed by the Creator, and no one has the right to destroy innocent unborn life.”
- Archbishop Samuel Aquila


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is scheduled today January 19, 2025 at Sacred Heart Church following the 12:00 noon Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is adoring the True Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ– His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity-in the Holy Eucharist.


Today’s readings remind us of the amazing privilege we have, and the serious responsibility it is, to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us. Everything we have is intended to benefit those around us. Because God has made each one of us with unique and differing gifts, the parish family truly does need each of us. It’s a wonderful – and at the same time sobering – reality. Our parish family will be vibrant only when all members, young and old, share their gifts with the community. It will suffer if even one member holds back.

Let us take care to listen to our Blessed Mother, as the servants did in our Gospel reading today. The Blessed Mother said, “Do whatever He tells you.” Let us examine our lives this week to see if we really are doing whatever He tells us and cooperating with God to make the best use of the gifts He has given us for the benefit of those around us. If we all take this call seriously, He will perform miracles in our families and our parish.
- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

A Family Perspective

At Cana we get a good insight into Mary’s parenting style. She did not plead, argue, demand or manipulate. She merely pointed out the situation and trusted her son would make the best decision.
- Bud Ozar

Prayer Requests

Kathy Ansman, Mark Blackie, Rod Baronner, Dan Bauer, Dave Bauer, Damian Branas, Vince Bumann, Jack Chilcote, Harry Chirdon, Karen Claar, Brandon Conaway, Shirley Conlon, Denise Conrad, James Conrad, Kathy Corl, William Costlow, Bob Decker, Colette DiMemmo, Tim Dodson, Joan Donnelly, Matthew Dorman, Nate Dorman, Amelia Doughurty, Lois Duncan, Thomas Duncan, Sam Dunio, Paul Dunmire, Ashley Eagen, Corinda Ermin, Ruth Ann Frederick, Herman Frederick, Phyllis Hauser, Leighton Hess, Dolly Holzer, Lucy Horton, Raymond Kargo, Russell Keith, Kenny Anthony Keagy, John Kleine, Sue Koehle, Paula J. Lafferty, Ruth Lamca, Cyndi Lansberry, John Leshene, Beth Lloyd, Lou Maierhofer, Charles McGrain, Shirley McIntyre,Mason Wayne McManus, Paul Angelo Morelli, Bev Mueller, Bonnie Neal, Jessica Neff, Lee Neff, Kevin O'Rourke, Sarah Rihnovich, Patti Robinson, Gary Rupert Jr, Nancy Servello,Laura Snyder, Alex Walter, Margo Wascherl, Alan Watson, Joan Weston,HankWilliams, Renee Williams, Mikayla Yanchik.

If you would like to add a sick or hospitalized person to our prayer list or readd a person, please call the rectory office, at 943-8553. Parishioners of Saint Mary are encouraged and welcome to participate. Remember, you must have the permission of the ill person/family to publish their name.



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